actionstation 2: the desert

actionstation.2 creates a mytho-poetic rendering of real and imagined desert landscapes by combining choreographed multimedia performance with treadmills, re-engineered as interactive interfaces, in a hybrid enviroment.

Welcome to The Desert

By engaging in discourse between diverse disciplines of composition, choreography, architecture, writing, digital code and the visual arts, echo::system questions one perspective to illuminate another, including science and its methods.

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Dance drives the choreographed, multi-media performance that follows a fictional tribe seeking knowledge of the evolutionary future of their species.

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The echo::system installation looks at the geographic, historical and cultural conditions of the U.S. southwestern region with a dynamic, simulated walk through the landscape on "smart" treadmills.

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The Myth of the Desert

In this desert mythos, there is a clearly defined mytho-poetic understanding of human evolution. What follows is a sort of “family tree” diagram and explanation.

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Collaborating Artists and Researchers

A unique collaborative process engages biologists, architects, digital, sound and video designers and performers. This team researches the dynamic behavior and “natural” biorhythms of specific ecosystems to create a physical installation based on real and metaphorical data, a digital model that triggers, connects and governs events in the physical environments.

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research in practice

The research of echo:;system looks to develop active mediated spaces that explore ecological and sociocultural aspects of urban-natural environments.

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